Charitable Request Policies
Donation Policy:
Everyone requesting donations must submit in writing their request by the 15th day of the previous month. All requests are reviewed at a monthly staff meeting. Information provided is kept confidential and subject to verification.
Licensed or Serving?
No support will be given to licensed events or functions that serve wine that is not that of Frisky Beaver Wine Co, Smoke & Gamble Cellars, or Rapscallion Wine Company.
Cash Please?
We do not provide direct financial donations or sponsorships.
Blowing Smoke:
We do not provide support for events or activities deemed to be of a personal nature. Examples include: Stag & Does, Retirements, Trip fundraisers, etc.
As a licensed winery, we cannot provide direct support to youth or youth related activities.
... and the Winner is:
The granting of donations is a total staff decision. That decision is final. All requests submitted will receive a response. Approved requests will be notified of an offer. Donation preferences are given to activities or charities benefiting Norfolk County. Preference also given, but not limited, to those events or activities that highlight donations or sponsorships by Frisky Beaver Wine Co and Smoke & Gamble Cellars.
Shall we order a limo?
We do not deliver the physical donation. Arrangements must be made for pick-up. Our staff cannot be provided for off-site events or wine tastings. If you wish to consider hosting an event of that nature, then let's talk!
Contributions most often take the form of (but are not limited to) a bottle, gift box, gift basket, or event tickets. The nature of the contribution is at our discretion.
"Wine is one of the most civilized things in the world and one of the most natural things of the world that has been brought to the greatest perfection, and it offers a greater range for enjoyment and appreciation than, possibly, any other purely sensory thing."
- Ernest Hemingway, Death in the Afternoon
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